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August 2024 Supplemental Newsletter

Your Special Edition Newsletter: YDs at the DNC

Special Message from YDA President Quentin Wathum-Ocama

Dear Young Democrats and Supporters, 

As I write this message, I sit on a train back to the Twin Cities from a convention that can simply be described as historic. Over the past few days, we’ve witnessed what will be one of the most consequential and transformational moments in our party’s history. While witnessing Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz accept our party’s nomination is energizing in its own right, what excites me even more is the significant role that so many young delegates played at the forefront of this convention. 

So many Young Democrats made the case to media outlets across the nation for why America must elect the Harris-Walz ticket. From exuding enthusiasm on the convention floor to answering hitting questions with reporters, young Democrats helped showcase how fired up we all are to turn the page on the chaos of the Trump presidency and move America in an exciting and bold new direction. 

In this special edition of our YDA newsletter, you’ll find some selected highlighted articles and images of Young Democrat delegates at the Democratic National Convention. From local to national and even international news, our members represented our members with thoughtfulness, energy, and excitement. 

While we leave this convention energized and excited, it is also important to realize that there is so much work we must continue to do, not just to turn out our voters but to bring young people back to our party after nearly a year of fractious politics. It will be hard, but with clear, intentional, and maybe even difficult conversations, I believe we can truly unite our party and move America forward.  That’s why I truly look forward to continuing to work with you over the next 73 days as we make history this November and bring this great nation together— I am so proud to be in this fight with you.

Quentin Wathum-Ocama
President, Young Democrats of America

P.S. below my message you’ll find two images of me that I felt compelled to share — one of me speaking with a journalist after my press briefing at the Foreign Press Center on Tuesday, and one of me on the convention floor yesterday excited and energized by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. 


Kentucky Young Democrats President Allison Wiseman greets Minnesota Governor Tim Walz with a fist bump.. 

WLOS News 13 spoke with Kristen Robinson, a delegate from Weaverville who is the youngest delegate from Western North Carolina in Chicago this week.


“Sometimes, it can feel like pulling teeth to try and get some of my friends to vote,” said Robinson. “But the tables have turned and this time, they’re texting me about how to vote early, how can they volunteer. They really want to be involved with the campaign this year.”


New York Times Kamala Harris capped her first month as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate with a roughly 35-minute convention speech last night that embodied her aggressive efforts to win over swing voters.

Ohio Young Democrats President  Kimberly Agyekum  photographed by the New York Times on the final night of the Convention. 


The Washington Post Attendees came from rural counties, big cities and everywhere in between. Some delegates thought they’d never live to see the day a woman would be elected president — recalling their work on Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful 2016 campaign — and are hopeful this will be their year. Others were inspired by seeing people who look like them on the convention stage. And almost everyone interviewed by The Washington Post said they were ready to take the jubilant convention vibes back home in the final push to November.


Democratic National Committee Youth Council Chair André Treiber addresses young delegates during the  DNC Youth Council meeting.  


BBC Four Young Democrats of America Communications Director Kait Ahern and College Democrats of America Communications Director Sohali Vaddula joined BBC Four to discuss the Democratic National Convention and Vice President Kamala Harris’s historic candidacy. 


Conversation begins around the 2 hour and 14 minute mark.  


The National– Young Democrats say attitudes towards the election have transformed from doom and gloom to joyful enthusiasm

An Axios poll shows that Ms Harris is “significantly more popular among America’s youngest voters”.

And her selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz appears to have helped.

“The day that Governor Walz was added for the ticket one of my best friends texted me, and she was like, Is this what hope feels like?” Kati Durken, the vice president of Young Democrats for America, told The National outside a gathering of young delegates.

Rohana  Joshi of the Young Democrats of Washington  featured in The National


El Observador – La portorriqueña Elisa Muñoz lidera un equipo nacional para apoyar la candidatura de Kamala Harris y apuesta a que los latinos se den cuenta que hay que votarla para no perder derechos. Delegada en la Convención Demócrata de Chicago, la joven boricua habla con El Observador USA.


The National – Uncommitted delegates sought, unsuccessfully, to get an Arab American to speak on stage at the Democratic National Convention this week

Blake Robinson, the Young Democrats of Georgia’s rural caucus chair, is another delegate who supports a ceasefire.

He believes Ms Harris can serve as a bridge in peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians, emphasising that the Vice President has “called for a ceasefire multiple times”.

“We should look at President Harris as the person that’s going to go in there and say that enough is enough … she knows how to work through diversity, and work through identities,” he told The National.


Do you know a YDA chartered unit that should be highlighted in our next newsletter? Email us at [email protected] to let us know which unit and why! 




The Young Democrats of America (YDA) is the official youth wing of the Democratic Party of the United States and the oldest partisan youth organization in the country. To help us mobilize the next generation of Democrats, donate anything you can afford right now to YDA.


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