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Repealing Obamacare While You Sleep

While you slept last night, Senate Republicans took the first major vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

The Republican-led Senate started paving the way to repeal ACA by employing procedural tactics. Key components of ACA are under attack with this repeal tactic including Medicaid expansion, subsidies for premiums, and contraception coverage.

The House may vote as early as Friday, so call your Representative today, Call 202-224-3121 to be connected to the Capitol Switchboard

The budget reconciliation process addresses tax and spend measures and the Republicans are using the budget reconciliation process because it does not require 60 votes, only 51 – a simple majority.The majority ofAmericans’ want to keep popular provisions of ACA like ensuring coverage for those with pre-existing conditions and government subsidies for low- and middle-income households. In response to this, Republicans chose to play political games with no regard to the millions of Americans who will suffer as a result. If the budget reconciliation process is used to repeal the individual and employer mandate, it will be hard to keep the popular provisions of the ACA.

However, we’re not backing down: Your calls are working! You’ve made Republicans afraid of repealing ACA without a replacement. Thanks to your efforts, Republicans feel the heat to preserve critical parts of ACA such as coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and allowing people under age 26 to remain on their parents insurance. Together we’ve come this far and we can’t stop now!

Call your Representative today! Ask them to keep the provisions that are important to all Americans, especially young people:

Dependent coverage until age 26
Pre-existing condition coverage
Subsidies to ensure coverage is affordable
Ask them to not repeal without a plan
We know Trump is a liar, so despite his promise at his disastrous press conference, we’re not holding our breath for a replacement plan. We must fight to preserve health care coverage for all.

Danielle Glover
Vice President, Young Democrats of America